Knowledge Base

  1. Follow edit site.
  2. Select pages.
  3. Click on create new page.
  4. Enter a tittle name into label field.
  5. Type notices on slug field.
  6. Select home as parent.
  7. Paste {{cms:helper notice_list}} in the content field.
  8. Click on create page.
  1. Follow edit site.
  2. Select pages.
  3. Click on create new page.
  4. Enter a tittle name into label field.
  5. Enter event on slug field.
  6. Select home as parent.
  7. Paste {{cms:helper event_list}} in the content field.
  8. Click on create page.

1. Follow Others > Download Forms to create downloadable forms.
2. Now create a page with following content.
3. {{cms:helper download_list }}


To render all the photo galleries, create a page with this snippet. Photos can be managed from institution dashboard
{{ cms:helper photo_galleries }}

To render a particular photo gallery

{{ cms:helper render_photo_gallery GALLERY_ID }}

replace the GALLERY_ID with your galleryId (from photo galleries section in dashboard)

  1. Follow edit site.
  2. Open a page/layout.
  3. Paste {{cms:helper news_scroll left}} in the content.
  4. Scrolling options are left|right|bottom|top

Here is the list of helper tags:

  • Render main nav
    {{ cms:helper render_main_nav }}

  • Render language select option
    {{ cms:helper render_language_options }}
  • Render side nav (pages with side_nav tags)
    {{ cms:helper render_side_nav }}
  • Render breadcrumb
    {{ cms:helper render_breadcrumb }}
  • Render social links for the institution (can be configured in admin console)
    {{ cms:helper render_social_links }}
  • Render logo (uploaded in admin console)
    {{ cms:helper render_logo_image }}
  • Render top bar (name, phone, contact, login link etc.)
    {{ cms:helper render_top_bar }}
  • Render banner image (managed in admin console)
    {{ cms:helper render_banner_images }}
  • Render photo gallery
    {{ cms:helper render_photo_gallery }}
  • Render download link
    {{cms:helper download_link 'FILE_URL'}}
  • Render visitor count of the site
    {{ cms:helper visitors_count }}
  • Render news scroll
    {{ cms:helper news_scroll }}
  • Online admission link
    {{ cms:helper online_admission }}
  • Admission notice
    {{ cms:helper admission_notices }}
  • Events
    {{ cms:helper event_list }}
  • Upcoming Events
    {{ cms:helper upcoming_event }}
  • Academic Calendar
    {{ cms:helper academic_calendar }}
  • Render notices
    {{ cms:helper notice_list }}
  • Render result page
    {{ cms:helper results_page }}
  • Render \ student list
    {{ cms:helper student_list }}
  • Render routine
    {{ cms:helper routine_page }}
  • Render Course materials
    {{ cms:helper course_materials }}
  • Render \ bright students
    {{ cms:helper bright_student_list }}
  • Render teacher list
    {{ cms:helper teacher_list }}
  • Render \ employees
    {{ cms:helper employee_list }}
  • Render governing body members
    {{ cms:helper governing_body_members}}
  • Render blog
    {{ cms:helper blog_list }}
  • Library
    {{ cms:helper library_page }}
  • Blog tag cloud
    {{ cms:helper blog_tag_cloud }}
  • Donations list
    {{ cms:helper donations_page }}
  • Location map
    {{cms:partial location_map}}

If you want to manage student, Result and other services in your school/Institute then must follow these instructions serially.

  1. Grading Type setup
  2. Class/Courses create
  3. Batch Group Create
  4. Batch Create
  5. Student Add
  6. Assessment Setting
  7. Subject Group
  8. Subject
  9. Subject Assign
Class and Batch

In the result all active batches are shown. To be displayed in the result section please make sure start date is smaller or equal to the current date and end date is greater or equal to the current date. You can change that from here: Academic >> Batch >> Edit

  1. Create batch group
  2. Create exam under that batch group
  3. Edit those batches that you want to make a group and set the batch group with the created batch group
  4. Go to Academic>Exams section
  5. Find exams of those batches(step 3), edit them and set reference exam with the exam created under the group batch
  6. Go to group batch > exams
  7. Recalculate
  8. 8> Now go to individual batches , download transcript/tabulation. You would see position like this 1 (2). here 1 is the group position and 2 is the batch position

When the final exam is completed, you need to move students from one class to another class. To do so you have to create the new batch first. The batch creation process is same as before. If you need Batch Group for the new batches, you can follow the same process to create Batch group and create batch.

Now if you want to transfer students from a batch you must have batch result completed for that batch.

If the batch is under a batch group you should see an option Create batch group result here: Academic > Batch group > View > Exams Tab.

If the batch is not under a batch group you should see an option Create batch result here: Academic > Batch > View > Exams Tab.

Complete the batch result.

Now you should see Transfer Students option here: Academic > Batch > View > Exams Tab

Just follow the process.

You can create course materials and display in the site for the visitors.
Teachers can manage course materials from Academic > Course Materials.

To display in the site:

  1. Follow edit site.
  2. Select pages.
  3. Click on create new page.
  4. Enter a tittle name into label field.
  5. Enter {{cms:helper:course_materials}} as content.
  6. Click on create page.

The final AGP comes from batch result, when you find wrong calculation , please recalculate all the exams, then recalculate batch/batch group exam. it should be fixed.

All the results processing are done in background, so please follow the status column has Result Published before going for batch / batch group exam recalculation.

SMS Management
  • Create SMS from Other > Message
  • You can select target group or individual
  • Download the android app from here in your mobile
  • Install the app
  • Provide your school id ( you would get the school id from Other > Institute > View)
  • Now provide username and password of the school with manage role
  • The app will pull the sms from the system and deliver automatically
Shop & Inventory Management
Library Management
HR Management
  1. Follow edit site.
  2. Select pages.
  3. Click on create new page.
  4. Enter a tittle name into label field.
  5. Type employee on slug field.
  6. Paste {{cms:helper:employee_list}} in the content field.
  7. Click on create page
  1. Follow edit site.
  2. Select pages.
  3. Click on create new page.
  4. Enter a tittle name into label field.
  5. Type teachers on slug field.
  6. Select home as parent.
  7. Paste {{cms:helper:teacher_list}} in the content field.
  8. Click on create page.
  1. Follow edit site.
  2. Select pages.
  3. Click on create new page.
  4. Enter a tittle name into label field.
  5. Type governing body on slug field.
  6. Paste {{cms:helper:governing_body_members}} in the content field.
  7. Click on create page.
Accounts Management
--- '

Donation module

  • Need to have some income heads, create from here income_expense_categorie
  • Navigate to Finance General Income
  • Select Governing body member, if new create one
  • Save
  • Navigate to Governing body member profile
  • Select Donation tab
  • All the donations of that Governing body member, should be listed

Login as the Governing body member

  • Navigate to Other > Profile
  • Select Donation tab
  • All the donations of that Governing body member, should be listed
Routine & Timetable Management

Online admission


  1. Create a batch with \"for admission\" checked for the target course/class (Academic > batches)
  2. Create an admission (Other > Admission)

CMS Page:

Now create / publish admission notice page with this content {{cms:helper:admission_notices}}

Visitors should be able to apply online using the page created

Photo Gallery
  1. Follow others
  2. Select photo gallery from the menu
  3. Create new photo gallery
  4. Then where you want to place that gallery. {{ cms:helper:render_photo_gallery:PHOTO_GALLERY_ID:carousal }}
  1. Follow edit site.
  2. Select pages.
  3. Click on create new page.
  4. Enter a tittle name into label field.
  5. Enter {{ cms:helper:photo_galleries }} as content.
  1. Follow edit site.
  2. Select pages.
  3. Click on create new page.
  4. Enter a tittle name into label field.
  5. Enter {{cms:helper:routine_page}} as content.
  6. Click on create page.
  1. Follow edit site.
  2. Select pages.
  3. Click on create new page.
  4. Enter a tittle name into label field.
  5. Type blog on slug field.
  6. Select home as parent.
  7. Paste {{cms:helper:blog_list}} in the content field.
  8. Click on create page.

If you need to display the blog tag could you can use the following code
Its recommended to use separate layout for blog and use one side to display tag cloud.